Moving Bee Hives

A Buster Colony

It's the beginning of July and time to move the bee's to where lots of fireweed is growing. I will go through my hives to pick the strongest. I can tell this hive is strong by the way the cluster hangs at the bottom late in the evening. This hive has lots of honey on it that I will remove and extract before the move.

In the evening before a move, you have to screen off the top entrance and the bottom of the hive. In the picture above, I am using a stapler to fasten a screen to the top entrance. At the bottom I am simply sliding a screen, folded in half, in the bottom entrance. In this instance There is no entrance reducer.

If I were to move bees in the summer, the need to provide a screened off vent on the inner cover may be necessary. If its cool and rainy you might not, but if it's dry and hot, it is necessary. On a short quick haul, you have your choice. After they are screened off and you are sure the bees can not get out, you can staple the hive but, I use a strap or rope to keep the hive together. A strap works best for me. As the picture below shows.

You do not want the hive to slide apart while transporting for obvious reasons. Most of the time nothing happens but Murphy's Law is ever-present. Below is what your hives should look like before you strap the hives down on a trailer or a truck. I have seen hives moved in a car trunk or back seat before. I prefer to use a truck or trailer.

Moving your bees is not rocket science. Anybody with a good imagination should be able to handle them.