Alaska Honey Bee Package Bees
Welcome to Alaska Honey Bee, Your source to buy Package bees & Queens for beekeeping in Alaska.
Orders accepted up to, and at times beyond, delivery dates. Please feel free to place an order or change an order at any time. Pre-orders for the following season can also be made, prices may be set as late as January.
1.Alaska Honey Bee (AHB) Not available for 2013 season.
2.Webster’s Queen Daughters (WQD)
3.New World Carniolan (NWC)
Read more on strains, click hear.
2013 Pricing
Pricing for 4 lb. package bee with one queen.
$137.00 each 1 to 5 Package Bee
$135.00 each 5 to 50 Package Bee
Over 50 call for Pricing.
Extra queens $25.00
Placing an order
You must place an order by email for documentation, unless you have no email service. Provide the amount of package bees, type of queens desired, and if extra queens are needed. remember one queen is included in a package already. Please provide your best phone contact numbers and your name and address. Please make payment as soon as possible after ordering, you must prepay for your order. I can invoice anyone that request a receipt. Upon receiving your order you get placed on a spread sheet for the separate areas of delivery.
Package bee distribution dates for 2013
April 11th and April 17th
Subject to change dependent on weather and transportation scheduling.
Areas to be distributed are;
Northern area mostly above the Mat-Su area including Glennallen, and Delta areas, Northern area scheduled for April 11th delivery which is subject to a 24 hour delay for travel time.
Kenai area scheduled for April 17th delivery.
All other areas can order for April 11th or 17th dates;
Areas are;
Anchorage, Eagle River/Chugiak, Mat-Su Valley.
Delivery dates subject to change depending on weather conditions in Alaska and queen mating conditions in California.
Making Payment
Please make payment out to me or “Alaska Honey Bee”.
Send Payment to;
Keith Malone
Alaska Honey Bee
P.O. Box 671092
Chugiak, AK 99567
I might be able to receive payment using credit card or Paypal.
Credit Card and paypal payments will have a 3% to 3.5% service charge added.
When placing an order please inform me if you want to make payment using these two methods by credit card or paypal so I can add the service charge to your total.
Contact information for Alaska Honey Bee is;
Keith Malone
Alaska Honey Bee
P.O. Box 671092
Chugiak, AK 99567