Package Bee Strains Available
This year I am approved to use “Alaska Grown” Logo for AHB Alaska Honey Bee queens in package bees, and single queens. This only applies to AHB queens, and Package bees with AHB accompanying
Strains Available
I am approved to use “Alaska Grown” Logo for AHB Alaska Honey Bee queens in package bees, and single queens. This only applies to AHB queens, and Package bees with AHB queen accompanying..
1. – Alaska Honey Bee (AHB) Currently Available. Breeders are from a colonies that have been surviving winters in Alaska, untreated (ZERO anything). This years AHB Breeder Mothers are from my own yards here in Alaska. Breeder Daughters mated in California. Since mating is done in California with multiple drone’s, progeny will be hybrids. Russian Base line Genetics. Substitute queens incase of mating failures will be either IRS, or Carniolan.
2. – Improved Russian Stock (IRS). Breeders From the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State. Breeder Daughters mated in California. Since mating is done in California with multiple drone, progeny will be hybrids except for the drone progeny. Russian, Caucasian Base Genetics. Substitute queens incase of mating failures will be either AHB, or Carniolan. Olympic Wilderness Apiary – Wild Survivor Queens
3. – Caucasians not available for 2025 season. New source honey bees for Alaska from Olympic Wilderness Apiary – Wild Survivor Queens. From Treatment Free Apiary. Breeder Daughters mated in California. The breeders are of Caucasian Base Genetic.
4. – New World Carniolan (NWC) First Cousin to the Russian, always a great choice for Alaska’s cooler conditions. They winter really good.
5. – Italian – I do not consider Italian honey bees to be suitable for Alaska conditions, Always good brooding, comb builders, and honey producers. Not known to winter well in northern locations. Must have a five package bee Minimum to order Italians.
Kirk Webster’s bees;
AHB / My Strain;
I breed bees in Alaska here in South-Central Alaska and send my breeder queens in the fall to my California package bee and queen producer where I supply my daughters in the spring to Alaska beekeepers in the form of package bees. I call my queens Alaska Honey Bee (AHB). I make no claims that my queen daughters are Alaska hardy, or better than other queens, they are simply queens from bees that have survived winters outside previously in the South-Central Alaska area.
My Breeders this year are from colonies from my apiaries, untreated (ZERO). Breeder Daughters mated in California. Russian Base line Genetics. Since mating is done in California with multiple drones progeny will be hybrids.
I get feedback from folks that report positive about my AHB strain, I do encourage beekeepers to partake of my strain, or any northern bred strain, and breed their own from wintered bees in Alaska.
All the queens in Package bees we receive, whether they are brought in by me, or any other supplier up here in Alaska, are mated outside Alaska, and mated with whatever drones might be flying at any given time. So Whatever strain you buy, from me or anyone else, their progeny will be 50% the strain labeled them, and 50% whatever they are mated with, but the drones produced will be 100% the strain labeled them. In my operation, and management I seek these drones from these strains to enhance my breeding efforts.
New World Carniolan (NWC);